Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy

The Village of Pinecrest values diversity and welcomes input from all interested parties, regardless of cultural identity, background or income level. Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, and other federal and state authorities, the Village of Pinecrest will not exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject to discrimination anyone on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, income or family status. The Village does not tolerate discrimination in any of its programs, services or activities. Moreover, the Village believes that the best programs and services result from careful consideration of the needs of all of its communities and when those communities are involved in the decision making process.

The Village of Pinecrest has established a discrimination complaint procedure and will take prompt and reasonable action to investigate and eliminate discrimination when found. Any person who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination based upon race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, income or family status in any of the Village’s programs, services or activities, may file a complaint with:

Angela Gasca
Assistant Village Manager
ADA Coordinator
Title VI 
Nondiscrimination Coordinator
12645 Pinecrest Parkway
Pinecrest, Florida 33156
Phone: 305.234-2121
Fax: 305.234-2131

If possible, the complaint should be submitted in writing through the Complaint of Discrimination Form. If the complaint cannot be submitted in writing, the complainant should contact the ADA Coordinator for assistance. The Village will respond to the complaint within thirty (30) calendar days and will take reasonable steps to resolve the matter.

The Village’s Nondiscrimination Coordinator has direct access to the Village Manager and is not required to obtain management or other approval to discuss discrimination issues with the Village Manager who serves as the Chief Executive Officer. However, should the complainant be unable or unwilling to complain to the Village, and the complaint is transportation related, the written complaint may be submitted directly to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). FDOT will serve as a clearing house, forwarding the complaint to the appropriate state or federal agency:

Florida Department of Transportation
Equal Opportunity Office
ATTN: Title VI Complaint Processing
605 Suwannee Street MS 65
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

ADA/504 Statement

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and related federal and state laws and regulations forbid discrimination against those who have disabilities. Furthermore, these laws require federal aid recipients and other government entities to take affirmative steps to reasonably accommodate the disabled and ensure that their needs are equitably represented in transportation programs, services and activities. The Village will make every effort to ensure that its facilities, programs, services, and activities are accessible to those with disabilities.

The Village encourages the public to report any facility, program, service or activity that appears inaccessible to those with disabilities. Furthermore, the Village will provide reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in public involvement events or who require special assistance to access facilities, programs, services or activities. Because providing reasonable accommodation may require outside assistance, organization or resources, the Village asks that requests be made at least five (5) calendar days prior to the need for accommodation. Questions, concerns, comments or requests for accommodation should be made to the ADA Coordinator:

Angela Gasca
Assistant Village Manager
ADA Coordinator
Title VI Nondiscrimination Coordinator
12645 Pinecrest Parkway
Pinecrest, Florida 33156
Phone: 305.234-2121
Fax: 305.234-2131

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Guidance

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 13166, and various directives from the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and US Department of Transportation (DOT) require federal aid recipients to take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to programs, services and activities by those who do not speak English proficiently. To determine the extent to which LEP services are required and in which languages, the law requires the analysis of four factors:
          • The number or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be served or likely to be encountered by the Village’s programs, services or activities.
          • The frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with these programs, services or activities.
          • The nature and importance of the program, service or activity to people’s lives.
          • The resources available to the Village and the likely costs of the LEP services.

1.  Using census data, the Village has determined that LEP individuals speaking English less than well represent approximately 11.3% of the community. Spanish was reported to be the most prevalent LEP language. Given this information, the Village reasons that a relatively small portion of its service population are LEP.
2.  The Village has not received any requests for translation or interpretation of its programs, services or activities into any other language.
The Village believes that transportation is of critical importance to its public, as access to health care, emergency services, employment, and other essentials would be difficult or impossible without reliable transportation systems. In that spirit, the Village defines those documents that advise the public of how to access its nondiscrimination and public involvement policies.
4.  The Village maintains contact with a company that is able to provide translation services on an as-needed basis. Additionally, the Village employs several staff members throughout the departments that are able to speak the most prevalent LEP language, Spanish, that are able to translate every-day interactions with the public.

The analyses of these factors suggest that LEP services are not required at this time. Therefore, the Village has committed to maintain a list of employees who competently speak Spanish and other languages and who are willing to provide translation and/or interpretation services. Additionally, the Village has an agreement with a translation service company to provide oral and written LEP services with reasonable notification.

The Village understands that its community profile is may change and there may be a need for more or varied LEP services in the future. As such, it will annually examine its LEP plan to ensure that it remains reflective of the community’s needs.

Persons requiring special language services should contact the Village’s Nondiscrimination Officer.                                         

Yocelyn Galiano, ICMA-CM
Village Manager