Celebrate "Pinecrest, 1st City of Happiness" with 40+ activities designed to transform your life, wellbeing, and happiness.
Organizations receiving in-kind services for events must include the following credit line in all promotional and marketing materials, including web sites, news and press releases, public service announcements, broadcast media advertisements and announcements, event programs, and publications:
"The (insert event/program name) is made possible with the in-kind support of the Village of Pinecrest."
The organization shall use the Village’s logo in materials whenever possible. The Village logo must be graphically depicted ONLY as follows:
Seal B/W(JPG, 699KB) | Seal Color(JPG, 2MB) | Request Other Format
The use of the Village logo without written authorization of the Village of Pinecrest shall be punishable as provided in Section 775.082 and 775.083 (Florida Statutes).