Post-Hurricane Irma Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is responsible for removing and trimming trees near powerlines after a major storm or hurricane?
Only FPL can remove or trim trees near power lines. FPL has a three-step process by which it restores power:
1. Patrol crews assess the damage to each power line.
2. If there is damage such as, breakage or a tree on the line, a vegetation crew trims or removes tree.
3. A line crew makes the repair to the power line to restore power. FPL line crews told me that they are waiting for Village staff to remove downed trees in order to restore power.
Why is the Village not doing anything?
FPL line crews who restore power are waiting on FPL vegetation crews to trim or remove trees. Village staff is not authorized and does not have the expertise needed to trim or clear trees near power lines. Only FPL crews and contractors can safely remove or trim trees near power lines.
Why didn’t the Village trim trees before the hurricane?
During regular operations, the maintenance of trees near power lines is the responsibility of FPL. For more information about FPL’s Line Clearing Program, please go to Residents can call the utility and request this service at 305-442-8770. It is a safety hazard to trim or clear trees yourself or have a landscaper do it. The maintenance of trees that are not near power lines, on private property, easements, and public right-of-ways adjacent to property lines is the responsibility of the property owner.
What can I do to expedite the removal of trees near power lines and downed wires?
Residents should email with the issue. Our Public Works Department staff will report the issue to FPL and continue to follow-up. In addition, residents can call 1.800.4OUTAGE (1.800.468.8243) to specifically report downed power lines and power lines near trees. Where are the FPL trucks? FPL representatives are posted at Coral Pine Park at 6955 SW 104th Street and can answer questions specific to FPL operations.