February Village Council Meeting Summary
Published on February 20, 2024
The Village approved a one-year agreement with the World Happiness Foundation, contracted a landscape architect for Veterans Wayside Park and hired a sidewalk company to survey and repair Village sidewalks.
The Village Council passed a resolution ratifying the reappointment of special magistrates/hearing officers in line with Section 2-141 of the Code of Ordinances. The Mayor appointed the following individuals to serve one term as a Special Magistrate under the provisions of Section 2-141 of the Village’s Code of Ordinances:
- Mark Buchbinder (Code Compliance)
- Gary Held (Code Compliance)
- Christopher F. Kurtz (Red Light Camera Hearing)
The Village Council passed a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with Gardner and Semler Landscape Architecture (GSLA) for a resident-driven design project for Veterans Wayside Park. The Renovation Design Project aims to enhance and improve the existing facilities to create a more welcoming and functional open space area for patrons and to improve the park’s aesthetic appeal from US1 and the surrounding area. Design and construction drawings for the Veterans Wayside Park Renovation Design Project will cost $184,500.
The Village Council passed a resolution approving and accepting dedication by right-of-way maintenance map of the west portion of SW 70 Avenue between SW 90 Street and SW 92 Street by operation of law in accordance with Section 95.361, Florida Statutes.
The Village Council passed a resolution approving an interlocal agreement with the City of Coral Gables relating to the operation and funding of the Pinecrest by the Sea Security Guard Special Taxing District (also known as the Gables by the Sea-Pinecrest Security Guard Special Taxing District). This interlocal agreement is essential for establishing a clear framework for the administration, funding, and operation of the District, as well as for defining the roles and responsibilities of the Village of Pinecrest and the City of Coral Gables concerning the District's financial transactions.
The Village Council passed a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to enter into a contract with Florida Sidewalk Solutions for sidewalk surveys and repair services.
The Village Council passed a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with the World Happiness Foundation for the City of Happiness initiative.
The full agenda is available for download and review. You can also watch the meeting.