Floodplain Management Annual Progress Report
Published on January 30, 2024
In conjunction with the Annual Recertification of the Village of Pinecrest's Community Rating System (CRS), an annual progress report on the implementation of the Village's Floodplain Management Plan and analysis of Repetitive Loss areas is required.
Floodplain Management Plan
The Village of Pinecrest continues to maintain a comprehensive floodplain management plan that consists of a series of interdependent ordinances, plans, and strategies designed to manage stormwater and protect the community from the health and safety hazards associated with periodic inundation. Components of the plan consist of the following:
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
The Village of Pinecrest has participated in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) since October 13, 1998. The Village's Building and Planning Department is responsible for the review of site development plans and issuance of building permits and customarily reviews all new construction plans for compliance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code and the Village's Land Development Regulations and Floodplain Management Ordinance.
Stormwater Management Plan
In July 2015, the Village adopted a Stormwater Management Plan. The stormwater master plan was prepared by the engineering consulting firm of A.D.A. Engineering, Inc. who are experts in the field of stormwater master planning and have developed master plans for many south Florida communities. The plan was considered by the Village Council during several scheduled public hearings. The hearings were advertised, and the plan is available to the public on the Village’s website.
A priority list of 15 projects was identified in the plan and were categorized by a drainage sub-basin. The Village began implementing projects from the #1 ranked basin C100DN-1E in 2016 and continued again in 2017 and 2018. Approximately 50% of the recommended improvements for this sub-basin have been implemented and were completed in 2017.
In the 2019-2020 fiscal year, the Village of Pinecrest completed 14 additional local stormwater drainage improvement projects including the following:
- CPP Rear Driveway
- 11500 SW 72 Court
- 7260 SW 134 Terrace
- Suncrest Drive & SW 59 Avenue
- SW 120 Street and SW79 Avenue
- Killian and SW 73 Court - Phase 1 of 3 on hold
- 12020 SW 70 Court
- 11325 / 11300 /11340 SW 72 Avenue
- 12250 SW 60 Court
- 7260 SW 116 Street
- 77 Avenue and SW 120 Street
- 11500 SW 72 Court - additional work
- Killian and SW 72Avenue/SW 73 Avenue
- SW 57 Avenue/Coral Oak Tennis Club
In the year 2021, the Village’s Public Works Department completed additional stormwater drainage improvement projects within the Village including:
- Swale grading improvements at 9710 SW 69 Avenue
- Installation of 50 linear feet of French drain
- Contractor inspection, vacuum, and cleaning of 271 catch basins, 14 French drains; 11 manholes; 33 slab-covered trenches; 1 outfall; 17 dry wells; and 12,749 lineal feet of drainage pipe.
In 2022, the Village’s Public Works Department completed drainage improvements to SW 58 Avenue north of SW 91 Street. The project included the installation of 8 ditch bottom inlets, 182 feet of French Drain, and graded swales along the length of the project extending approximately 1,000 feet.
In 2023, the Village’s Public Works Department completed the following drainage improvements:
Palmetto Island Drainage Project:
This project was set in a typical Pinecrest residential area. The scope of work consisted of installing approximately 1500 feet of French drain, 12, catch basins, 6 manholes, and a water control structure leading to an existing outfall. The adjacent 15-foot-wide swales were re-graded to increase capacity and improve water quality and re-sodded. The street was milled and resurfaced from edge to edge for the whole length of the project. This project was one of the basins prioritized by the Village’s Stormwater Master Plan. The construction cost was approximately $915,000.
Ludlam Road swale grading:
This project involved regrading a swale area approximately 200’ long by 20’ wide. This swale is located on the Village’s primary north/south road and the only road that runs continuously through the Village from one side to the other. The swale in this area had lacked proper maintenance and was subsequently graded to the Village standard which facilitated road drainage and improved the water quality and quantity for the area. The area was re-sodded after grading operations were completed.
SW 68th Ct swale grading:
This project involved regrading a swale in an area with little longitudinal road slope causing severe ponding for two homes at the end of the street. Approximately 300 feet of swale was graded to the Village standard providing both water quality and quantity improvements for the area. The area was re-sodded after grading operations were completed.
The Village continues to identify and develop sources of funding for implementation and completion of all planned stormwater management projects included within the Village’s Stormwater Master Plan.
Floodplain Management Ordinance
On April 15, 2015, designated staff of the State Floodplain Management Office (SFMO) conducted a Community Assistance Visit and subsequently recommended that the Village adopt a new Floodplain Management Ordinance based on the State of Florida’s Model Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. In December 2015, the Village of Pinecrest adopted a new ordinance that incorporates new requirements designed to further protect residents and businesses from flood hazards. Notable changes include an additional one-foot increase in the minimum finished floor elevation of new structures and existing structures that are proposed to be remodeled to an extent greater than 50% of their existing value, defined as “substantial improvement”.
Community Rating System (CRS)
On October 1, 2016, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) admitted the Village of Pinecrest into the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System (CRS) with an initial rating of Class 8, allowing for a 10% reduction in annual flood insurance premiums. The Village prepared and submitted an application for modification and improvement of the Village’s current rating from Class 8 to Class 7 or Class 6 allowing for an additional 5% to 10% reduction in flood insurance premiums. On February 27, 2023, the Village was notified that its rating had been modified from Class 8 to Class 7. The Village will continue to coordinate with FEMA and CRS in working to further improve its CRS rating.
Miami-Dade County Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS)
On September 8, 2020, the Village of Pinecrest adopted the Miami-Dade County Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS). The LMS has been approved by FEMA and it has been confirmed that it is in compliance with the federal hazard mitigation planning standards contained in 44CFR 201.6 (b)-(d). The LMS is valid until September 15, 2025.
Repetitive Loss Properties
Currently, there are seven Repetitive Loss Properties in the Village of Pinecrest, defined as properties that have submitted flood insurance claims for more than two flood events. To reduce risk to these properties, the Village of Pinecrest has developed and implemented several stormwater management projects to help alleviate localized flooding at locations near or adjacent to the properties. An update of the projects and affected properties is provided as follows:
In 2013 and 2014, the Village developed and implemented a stormwater improvement project in the surrounding area of Pine Needle Lane including Pine Needle Lane. The properties located at 12300, 12001 and 12055 Pine Needle Lane would be positively affected by this project and localized flooding appears to have dramatically diminished after this project was implemented.
The Village’s Flood Damage Prevention program is working to effectively protect residents and businesses from flood damage and property loss. Staff recommends continued participation in the National Flood Insurance Program and Community Rating System, continued implementation of the Floodplain Management Ordinance, and completion of planned and approved storm drainage improvement projects.