Zoning Board

The Zoning Board (previously Planning Board) was established by Ordinance 2002-08 as a decision making and administrative body of the Village of Pinecrest. It consists of seven (7) members appointed as follows: each councilmember shall appoint one member; the village manager shall appoint one member; and the mayor shall appoint two members. The village manager's appointment and the mayor's second appointment shall be subject to ratification by a majority vote of the village council. Appointments shall be on a yearly basis expiring on December 31 of each calendar year, with reappointment permissible for a maximum of four terms.

The zoning board is authorized to perform the following responsibilities and duties:

1. Variances. The board is authorized to grant, deny, or grant with conditions, variances to setback lines, frontage requirements, height limitations, lot size restrictions, yard requirements, fences and walls, lot coverage, impervious surface ratio, open space, landscaping, and signs.

2. Advisory actions. The board is authorized to act as an advisory body on matters of planning, land development and plan implementation functions as assigned to the board by a majority vote of the village council.

The following members were appointed to the 2025 Zoning Board:   

Member  Name:               
Jordan Chisolm
Daniel Enekes
Jessica Fiocco     
Ira Gonzalez
Lee Mesnekoff
Jennifer Robau Reverte
Frank Sioli



What are the terms of appointments/Reappointments?

Appointments shall be on a yearly basis expiring on December 31st of each calendar year, with reappointment permissible for a maximum of four terms. 

What is the compensation for Members?

Members of the Zoning Board shall serve without compensation and shall not be reimbursed for travel, mileage or per diem expenses. 

What are the qualifications to become a Member?

Resident of the Village of Pinecrest eligible to vote in the Village who has continuously resided within the Village for the six-month period immediately prior to the appointment and during the appointed tenure. A member shall not be an employee of the Village of Pinecrest. 

When does the Board meet?

In January for orientation and selection of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, and when required by the Administrative Official.