Aleyda Mas Park Aleyda Mas Park is a 5-acre property located at 11855 SW 60th Avenue purchased by the Village in January 2024.
Gary Matzner Park In 2021, Village Council approved the acquisition of the 3.76 acre two-parcel site located on the southeast corner of Kendall Drive between 67 Avenue and 65 Court. This site is slated to become the future Gary Matzner Park.
Coral Pine Park Phase 2 In 2014, Village Council adopted the Coral Pine Park Master Plan and divided the construction of the approved improvements into two phases. This project is for the design of Phase 2 which includes a new 900 square foot multi-purpose room.
Pinecrest Gardens Terrace and Ramp Renovation The Pinecrest Gardens Lakeview Terrace and Ramp Renovations project includes the assessment of existing structures, geotechnical exploration, and mitigation of the subsoil conditions resulting in the failure of the foundation of the terrace and ramp.
Kendall Drive Shared Use Path As one of the adopted projects of the Village's Transportation Master Plan approved in 2018, the Kendall Drive Shared Use Path project will connect SW 67 Avenue to Red Road.
Ludlam Road Shared Use Path As one of the adopted projects of the Village's Transportation Master Plan approved in 2018, the Ludlam Road (67th Avenue) Shared Use Path will run from Snapper Creek to SW 136th Street.
Potable Water Lateral Connection Installation Project This project will provide lateral connections to the potable water lines and meter boxes to about 150 homes.
Village-Wide Transportation Master Plan In 2018, the Village Council adopted a Transportation Master Plan in an effort to enhance mobility and to provide traffic calming Village-wide. The plan is being implemented as a long-range capital projects program.
Stormwater Master Plan Implementation The Public Works Department is working on localized drainage projects based on the results of the Village-wide Stormwater Master Plan (SMP) adopted by Village Council in 2015. Project priority is provided to areas which have repetitive standing water after storm events.