Stormwater Master Plan Implementation

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The Public Works Department is working on localized drainage projects based on the results of the Village-wide Stormwater Master Plan (SMP)(PDF, 24MB) adopted by Village Council in 2015. Project priority is provided to areas which have repetitive standing water after storm events. The goal of this program is to eliminate those areas and improve the water quality of runoff discharging to canals and closed (French Drain) systems. More than 200 new storm drains have been installed since the completion of the master plan. The ongoing improvements are constructed based on priority and funding availability.

The SMP analyzed the Village’s drainage needs and adopted a priority list of 15 basins (1 being the highest priority). The Village has 5 basins under design (bordered in red and numbered) as shown in the map below. The Village will be applying for a FEMA grant that would allow all five of these projects to be constructed.  This grant, if awarded, would total nearly $18 million and would pay for 80% of the design, construction, and construction administration for the five basins indicated in the map. Design of these projects will allow the Village to seek funding for “shovel ready projects” from all agencies should the FEMA grant not be awarded. To assist with reviewing the SMP the Basin Priority number and Basin name follows:

Sub-basin Flood Rank


Sub-basin Name

















SW Basins.png