Planning is responsible for the Village’s Comprehensive Development Master Plan, Land Development Regulations, the Code Compliance functions, issuance of local business tax receipts, and review of applications for site development. Planning also presents cases and petitions to the Special Magistrate, Zoning Board, and Village Council.
Stephen R. Olmsted, AICP was appointed by the Village Manager to serve as the Village’s Planning Director on October 12, 2010. A native of Michigan, he graduated from the University of Michigan in 1980 and earned a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from the University of Michigan in 1983. He is a current member of the American Institute of Certified Planners.
Stephen R. Olmsted, AICP
Planning Director
Patricia Janisse
Dianella Reboso
Zoning Inspector / Plans Examiner
Ana Caceres
Administrative Assistant to Planning Director
For more detailed contact information visit here.