Internal Affairs Statistical Summary



In 2024, the Internal Affairs division received two formal investigations, while the department also addressed five citizen complaints.  These incidents reflect the ongoing commitment to maintaining transparency, accountability, and professionalism in law enforcement.  Each complaint was thoroughly reviewed to ensure appropriate actions were taken, upholding public trust and reinforcing the department’s dedication to high standards of service and conduct.

Internal Affairs Investigations

IA 01-24 Has not been concluded as of this positing

IA 02-24 - Two of the allegations were Unfounded, there was not sufficient evidence to support the claims. One allegation was classified as Not Sustained indicating that the evidence was inconclusive and could not be determined whether the actions in question occurred.  Four allegations were Sustained confirming that the actions involved did violate departmental policies and procedures. Appropriate corrective measures were taken to address the sustained allegations, ensuring accountability and maintaining the integrity of the department.

Exonerated - There were no allegations exonerated.

Withdrawn – There were no IA Complaints withdrawn.


Citizen Complaint investigations

C01-24- Exonerated, the complaint was reviewed in detail; it was determined that the actions of the personnel were consistent with departmental policies and procedures.

C02-24 - Unfounded, there was no evidence to support the claims made in the complaint. One allegation was Exonerated, the action of personnel was consistent with departmental policies and procedures.

C03-24 - Exonerated, the complaint was reviewed in detail; it was determined that the actions of the personnel were consistent with departmental policies and procedures

C04-24 - Not Sustained - Indicating that the evidence was inconclusive and could not be determined whether the actions in question occurred

C05-24 - Not Sustained - Indicating that the evidence was inconclusive and could not be determined whether the actions in question occurred


The Pinecrest Police Department investigates all allegations of employee misconduct. A single complaint may contain one or more allegations, and each allegation will result in its own disposition.