Stormwater Utility Fee FAQ

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I received a letter advising of upcoming changes to my stormwater utility fee. What happens next? 
A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 8:30 am at the Pinecrest Municipal Center, 12645 Pinecrest Parkway, third floor. Community members may participate in person or via ZOOM. If you wish to comment during the meeting via ZOOM, please send a request to The deadline to register for the next meeting is Monday, August 26 at noon. A live stream video link will be available once the meeting is called to order. Public comments on agenda items may be submitted via e-mail to

Why is the Village making this change to the stormwater fee structure?
The Village has maximized its efforts to secure federal funding for stormwater improvements. The adjusted fees will cover the remaining costs not met by these grants, ensuring that it can complete the necessary drainage projects.

How will this impact my stormwater utility fees?
The impact will vary for each property owner. Based on the analysis, the majority of residential properties are expected to see their fees increase from approximately $127 per year to somewhere between $350 to $400 per year on average. 

What if the proposed fees for my property are inaccurate?
If you believe the proposed fees for your property are inaccurate based on the impervious surface area calculations, you will have an opportunity to contest the fees before the second reading and public hearing. The Village will provide instructions on how to submit any concerns or corrections for review.

What are stormwater utility fees?
Stormwater utility fees are charges imposed to fund the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system. These fees ensure proper drainage and reduce flooding, enhancing public safety and property values.

What are the proposed changes to the stormwater utility fees in Pinecrest?
The Village is proposing to change the methodology for calculating stormwater utility fees from the current Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) system to a new Equivalent Billing Unit (EBU) system. Under the new EBU system, fees will be based on the amount of impervious surface area on each property, with larger properties with more impervious surfaces paying higher fees.

What is impervious area?
Impervious areas are surfaces that prevent or significantly impede the infiltration of water into the soil. These are typically hard surfaces that cause water to run off rather than be absorbed. 

What prompted the Village to revise the stormwater utility fee calculation and collection methods? 
The Village council determined that the existing fee structure needed evaluation to ensure it adequately covers the costs of maintaining and improving the stormwater management system. A recent study by SCS Engineering recommended a new two-tier rate structure, which the Village council approved on first reading to provide a fair and efficient fee system.

What happens after the public hearing and second reading?
If the ordinance is approved at the second reading, the new stormwater fee structure will go into effect starting with the fiscal year commencing on October 1, 2024. Residents will then begin paying the new fees in November 2024, which will be reflected on their utility bills. The Village will also work to address any individual property concerns that were raised during the public process before the new fees are implemented.